Thursday 20 October 2011

Good is...? Studio Workshop

In todays workshop, we were required to think of 5 print formats, processes and particular considerations in relation to our rationale for our good. With the formats, we had to focus on size, scale, packaging etc. Processes consisted of whether or not it would need to be litho printed, digitally printed or any particular print finishes. Print considerations cover a wide range of topics such as print runs, 2D vs 3D etc.


1) A5 (possibly smaller) flyers/leaflets
2) Range of medicinal packaging
3) Information booklet small enough to fold and fit in packaging
4) Large, A4 scale 'nostalgia pack' with segmented sections
5) Small packaging for individual sections/contents


1) Flyers/handouts - litho (depending on quantity)
2) Nostalgia pack - digital due to limited print run
3) Foil block cover (title)
4) Packaging and/or contents - die cut
5) Information handout - bind


1) Nets for packaging and its contents
2) Large print run for flyers
3) Limited print run for nostalgia pack
4) Think about layout for all promotional materials
5) Consistent brand identity throughout
6) Heavy stock for nostalgia pack packaging

To do:

- Research into size, scale and how you would go about doing it 'in the real world'
- Think about technical aspects in more depth and mock up potential ideas
- Create a proposal and know exactly what I want to create
- Look at 5 senses and how we process these into nostalgia

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