Wednesday 30 March 2011

What is a Line - Initial ideas

For the presentation, I decided to mock up a few ideas based on my idea of using the six degrees of separation theory. The theory is most commonly used in reference to the film industry due to the game, 'Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon'.

Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon is a trivia game based on the concept of the small world phenomenon and rests on the assumption that any individual can be linked through his or her film roles to actor Kevin Bacon within six steps. The name of the game is a play on the "six degrees of separation" concept. 

I therefore decided to focus primarily on actors and actresses and depicting who they have starred in a film with. I focused primarily on the concept therefore didn't take too much thought into style/font choice etc.

Collection 100 - Presentation slides

The presentation was devised by Beth and used a similar aesthetic to the original presentation boards/book. We tried to keep a fluid structure: research - idea - development - outcome so it was easy to follow and clearly showed the process we took.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Communication is a Virus

Photos taken by Beth the day after we put the posters/bunting/3D installations in the park.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Communication is a Virus - Wandering around Leeds at 3am

Despite not being able to put the deliverables up in our desired location, we decided woodhouse square would be a great alternative. Students walk past this park every day and as the weather is improving, more and more people are using it as a communal area. We added bunting along the fences, posters (of varying sizes) on trees, benches and walls and added the boxes nearby.